2025 V12 Valentine’s OC Event — Final Results
Click here or on image below to download the heat and aggregate results

8 February 2025 (Saturday)
Registration fee: $300 ($25 per paddler)
Welcome to FGPC’s first race of the year!
Race Description: 9.5km. Double hull (v12). From FGPC through Victoria’s inner, middle and outer harbours to the v21 buoy just outside Victoria harbour and back.
It’s a fun middle distance race that’s available to everyone. There are prizes to be won, food to be eaten, and victories to be defended.
Race slots are as follows:
- 9:30 am
- 11:00 am
- 12:30 pm
- 2:00 pm
Afternoon slots will preferentially be allotted to away teams.
Registration: team captains are required to check at least 30 minutes prior to their race starts to confirm their rosters and to verify waiver and CORA membership renewals.
Sterns meetings & post race meetings: mandatory steers’ meetings are held before 15 minutes before each race (see schedule); draw prizes and finish prizes will be distributed after each race.
Teams will be registered on a first come, first served basis. Deadline for registration is two days before the event; if registration fills before the deadline your crew will be waitlisted.
Please note: Individual Digital Waivers required for each paddler, along with CORA paddler memberships.
If necessary, COPY and forward the CORA link to your team mates: https://canadianoutrigger.ca/store/renew-your-membership/
In addition to completing this registration agreement, the Team Captain/Manager must ensure that all paddlers complete an online individual FGPC waiver and update their CORA memberships.
Please note: Any crew that does not provide a complete, waivered roster (last minute changes excluded) by two days before the event will be charged an additional 15% admin fee, payable on race day, to compete in this event.
Event Cancellation/Refund Policy
There will be 25% administrative fee for all withdrawals. The final date to withdraw a team from the event is one week before the event. There will be no refunds of any type after this date, including if the event is cancelled due to safety reasons.